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Monday, November 29, 2010

The Texting Exercise Program

Wait, wait, I got it I got it I got it.

I’ve got a new exercise program!

I’m not sure what to call it. It might be called the Facebook program or the texting program or the e-mail program. I haven’t decided yet.

You know how we say we don’t have time to exercise? And now we hear that it’s OK to break up our exercise time into smaller bits, like ten minutes at a time, or just get our 10,000 steps in by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking farther away. And every time I hear that, I say, yeah, yeah, sure.

I can’t split my day up into little bits like that! I have to concentrate. I have to focus!

Sure! Just like I never, ever check the auction on e-bay from my desk! I’m so focused on my work, I never…check my e-mail, my Facebook page, play … a game…of Solitaire…


I have a lot of friends who work in offices and I have to say, I wonder when they get any work done. Because they sure seem to spend a lot of time checking the latest Travelocity quotes for a flight to The Big Island.

So here’s an idea. Do you really have to check this stuff every two minutes? If we can splinter our attention twelve ways from Sunday to keep up with texting our friends, sending photos, checking a stock quote or the weather and clicking on the YouTube link that Phil sent – then we can swap out a few of those teeny sitting vacations for teeny moving vacations. Just Find and Replace. Do you really have to play a game of Solitaire right now? Could you stand up and walk around for a minute instead? Could you jump on a mini-trampoline in your office? Could you fit a pedal machine under your desk? My husband’s boss never uses the restroom on his floor. He walks down the stairs, four flights, uses the restroom on the first floor, goes to the opposite side of the building and walks back up four flights and back to his desk.

Don’t send that kissy-face text – dance in place for thirty seconds instead. What, you don’t have an iPod yet?

Better still, text while dancing. Who knows what you might send.

Do you really have to check that auction right now? You know everybody’s going to bid in the last five minutes anyway. Walk around the perimeter of the building instead.

See? It’s a great idea. Just needs a name. The Exercise Program for People with Short Attention Spans.

Gotta go...I'm going to try balancing my laptop on the counter so I can play Solitaire while bouncing from foot to foot. Works for me!

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